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Home > About Kureha > Greetings
About Kureha
Who We Are
Corporate Profile
Responsible Care
Group Charter
Message from the President
Kureha aims to achieve excellence in its operations, in the manner set forth in our corporate principles, and in doing so is conducting its business in accordance with the Grow Globally II medium-term business plan through fiscal 2015. We continue to overcome challenges by making a concerted effort to increase earnings through global expansion for existing businesses, and to steadily nurture and expand new businesses such as PGA and battery materials.

Building on technical capabilities acquired since its founding through the creation of innovative products, Kureha has positioned three fields as core businesses: Advanced Products, Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals, and High-Barrier Packaging Materials; and continues working to develop specialty materials and products beneficial to people's lives and the global environment. In the course of further developing each markets, we respond flexibly to macro changes in the economic and social environment, and throughout the entire business value chain remain constantly open to alliance opportunities at a global level, as we establish a solid business model that maximizes Kureha's strengths.

The March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and aftershocks caused considerable damage to Kureha's facilities, particularly our main Iwaki Factory in Fukushima Prefecture. However, all plant operations had been restored by the end of July 2011. To further promote our recovery efforts together with Fukushima Prefecture and the city of Iwaki, we are determined to pursue advanced manufacturing of valued products by fully operating the Iwaki Factory-the ‘engine’ for Kureha's global business developments - and also adjacent R&D functions, while promoting togetherness with the local community. We are also proactively working to establish overseas business locations to support our global expansion.

Kureha will continue to seek harmony with stakeholders and the global environment, to contribute to the advancement of society through advanced manufacturing of valued products, to practice compliance (observing both regulations and societal norms), and to fulfill our societal responsibilities as a corporate citizen. We appreciate your continued loyalty and support.

Yutaka Kobayashi
President & Chief Executive Officer
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